For best results, set the terminal emulator to use ANSI encoding.
The default console connection settings are 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, and no flow control. To open a CLI session from a workstation connected to the management console port, open a terminal session using one of the supported terminal clients: Use to configure embedded and external modems and related settings. Use to configure and manage a device connected to a device port on the Local Manager. All Local Manager configuration and user management functions are accessed from this resource. To return to the system resource from another resource, use the exit command. The system resource is the root resource. The command line employs a hierarchy for organizing the Local Manager, ports, power controllers, and modems. Terminal access (TTY) is available via dial-in modem and Telnet, but both are disabled by default for security reasons. The CLI is accessible from the onboard console port or via the network using SSH. All hardware platforms run the same version of software and use the same CLI. The Local Manager's Command Line Interface (CLI) allows you to configure and manage all aspects of the appliance and the devices it manages.